terça-feira, 31 de maio de 2011

My first American Girl doll - Julie

Julie was my first AG doll. I tried so hard to get her off Ebay, but I just couldn't find someone who would send her to Brazil. Finally I met this person who had a son abroad, so she knew how hard it was to get things overseas, and she helped me getting Julie.

After I got her, I spend a while trying to straight her hair with a tecnique that I know now it doesn't work. I ended up ironing her hair using low heat temperature and it was fantastic! Julie inspired to get another AG doll. I thought it would be a good idea to get a girl with darker hair, because Julie's hair was so blond... : o

I decided to get Sonali. I thought her would be perfect!

But Julie's hair is just amazing!!! I love how soft it feels. And it looks great too.

Overall she's my deep beloved AG doll and she will always be so special to me. I think she looks great on pictures too. She's an adorable AG doll!

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